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Annual Fire Safety Report (AFSR)

View Montclair State University’s Annual Fire Safety Report (PDF)‌

General Policy Statement

This AFSR is created and published by the University in compliance with the Campus Fire Safety Right to Know Act and the Department of Education’s regulations codified at 34 C.F.R. 668.49. The AFSR is available on the University’s website at the University Facilities Fire Safety webpage and is updated annually. The AFSR is also distributed electronically to current and prospective students and employees no later than October 1st each year. Upon request, a paper copy of the report will be provided by contacting the Fire Safety Official by e-mailing

The Campus Fire Safety Right-to-Know Act is also an amendment to the Higher Education Opportunity Act. This amendment serves to increase campus fire safety awareness across the nation, providing students and their families with the fire safety records of colleges/universities. Signed into law by President George W. Bush on August 14, 2008, this amendment requires post-secondary institutions to publicly display fire safety information and statistics, much as they already do with other safety statistics, such as campus theft and assault. This information provides prospective and current students of the policies, concerns, and fire safety conditions that are present at the institution in which they have applied or are enrolled.

Montclair State University has developed this AFSR with all the information required by law. Please take time to review our statistics and fire safety information. If you have any questions regarding fire safety, please contact us; staff is available daily at 973-655-5401 to answer any questions. Thank you for choosing Montclair State University and we look forward to helping you along your educational journey.

Campus Fire Safety Right-to-Know Act

Fire Evacuation Plan

Training information:

Per the University’s Fire Evacuation Plan, all members of the University community are responsible for reviewing the fire evacuation plan. The Office of Fire Safety offers training to all Residents, Community Assistants, and various departments throughout campus. Fire Safety training for specific departments is always available through a request made by the unit supervisor.